( ゚ m゚) is always there to declare that he isn't really into things. (Well, actually, he used to always be there. Now he's not into the whole being around and well known thing.) ( ゚ m゚)'s archenemy is [[hipster|conforming]]. == Example == {{DQN|1174878587}}    人        (__)       (__)     ( __ )      ( ・∀・) < [[My name is Squeeks]] and I've locked myself out of my thread, help!  (つ   つ   | | |       (__)_)   Λ__Λ  ( ゚ m゚) I'm not into the whole keeping neighbors' spare keys thing.  (   ) == Things that( ゚ m゚)is not into == * 12 year olds * [[2GET]] * [[4-ch]] * [[AA]] * anonymous forum * ascii art * beating a dead [[HORSES|horse]] * being [[friends]] with [[beady-eyes]] * being into s * being visible * bumping a thread * bumping front page threads * bumping threads * [[BU~N]] * [[complaining]] about the internet sucking [[1993|nowadays]] * complete sentenc * completing his sen * "contradicting statements" * copying and pasting an AA character * correct body order * CP * creating a thread * [[CTRL+C CTRL+V]] * disembodied voice * double posting * [[DQN]] * DQN character-crossover post * DQN really sucking now * [[Elitist Superstructure]] * [[Existentialism|existing]] * expanded universe canon continuity * grain toast with peanut butter * [[grammar]] * gravitational force * having arms and legs * having ears and a beer gut * Heidy vs. Jessy * intentional mispelling * internet comedy * "[[Internet]]" * irony * "I think therefore I am" * keeping my ears on * keeping my parts together * keeping neighbors' spare keys * [[kimchi]], nida. * [[kopipe]] * leaving verbs out of sentences * losing weight while moving to the right * lowng * "meme" * [[:Category:Boards|message board]] * Mexican food * milk * mismatched parentheses * "[[MITTENS]]!" * [[mona]] font * [[Naruto]] * not being into the whole * "old meme" * [[oppai oppai]] * [[Panda]] thread, [[find flaws in a perfect world]] thread, or the [[nerd]] thread. * parentheses * passionately liking or disliking some * paying attention ..what? * "pig" * pointing out that he can see you dance * posterity * posting ascii art * posting in a [[shitty thread]] * previewing his posts * pun * [[QUALITY]] * repeating a word 3 times * replying * [[Mr. Likes To Bump Character Threads|reviving his thread for no good reason]] * [[sage]] * [[sex]] * [[tablecat|sitting on the table]] * slowly reforming his body back * society   * stomach penis * structured reply * [[talking to girls]] * Text Art * thread bumping * thread pruning * tone scale * totem * verification * [[WakabaMark]] * wearing pants * wheat * [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]] * demanding [[apology juice]] * extended ASCII * getting smacked around by [[Grandpa]] * not having feet and legs * reflecting * service [[Category:AA_Characters]]